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Annual Physical Exam

The Annual Physical Exam at Pulse and Poise Clinic is a comprehensive and personalized assessment of your overall health and well-being. Our dedicated healthcare team is committed to providing exceptional care and ensuring that you receive the utmost attention during your examination.

Early Detection

Annual medical examinations allow for the early detection of potential health issues or diseases, enabling timely intervention and treatment, which can significantly improve outcomes and prevent complications

Preventive Care

Regular check-ups help individuals stay on top of their health by promoting preventive care measures like vaccinations, screenings, and lifestyle recommendations, reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses

Health Maintenance

Annual medical examinations ensure that individuals can monitor their overall health status, track changes over time, and establish a strong doctor-patient relationship for personalized health advice and support

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Welcome to Pulse&Poise

If you're looking for a caring and dedicated team, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Pulse and Poise Clinic today. Together, we can work towards a healthier and happier future.

What is included in an annual wellness check?

1 / Medical history review

The healthcare provider gathers information about your past and current medical conditions, surgeries, medications, allergies, and family medical history.

2 / Vital signs assessment

This involves measuring your blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, Auscultation with a stethoscope (Assessing breath sounds), lymph nodes and temperature.

3 / Electrocardiogram (EKG)

EKGs are often recommended for individuals at higher risk of heart disease or those with symptoms such as palpitations or chest pain

4 / Routine physical examination

A thorough examination of the body is conducted, including an assessment of the head, neck, chest, abdomen, extremities, and skin. This may involve palpation, auscultation (listening with a stethoscope), percussion (tapping body parts), and observation.

5 / Laboratory tests

Blood tests may be ordered to evaluate various aspects of your health, such as cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, kidney and liver function, and complete blood count.

6 / Screenings and preventive measures

Screenings and preventive measures: Depending on your age, gender, and risk factors, additional screenings may be recommended, such as mammograms, Pap smears, colonoscopies, or prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests. Vaccination status is also reviewed, and any necessary immunizations may be administered

7 / Health counseling

Discussions may take place regarding lifestyle factors, including exercise, nutrition, stress management, and sleep habits. This is an opportunity to address any concerns, provide guidance on healthy habits, and develop personalized wellness plans.

8 / Mental health assessment

Mental health assessment is an important part of healthcare. It helps evaluate how a person feels and identifies any mental health problems, like stress, anxiety, or depression. They also check for Substance Use Disorder if needed. Assessing cognition, which includes memory, attention, and language skills, helps find any issues with thinking and can detect conditions like Alzheimer's disease or dementia. This assessment ensures that people get the right help and support for their mental well-being on time.

9 / Referrals and follow-up

If any abnormalities or concerns are detected during the exam, appropriate referrals for further evaluation or specialty care may be made. Recommendations for follow-up visits or additional tests may also be provided.

Age-Specific Considerations in Annual Physical Exams


Young Adults

In young adulthood, the annual physical exam typically includes vital signs assessment, physical examination, and review of medical history. Special attention is given to reproductive health, sexual health education, and counseling. Screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may be recommended, along with discussions on contraception, mental health, substance abuse, and injury prevention.


Adults (30s to 50s)

During this stage of life, the annual physical exam encompasses a comprehensive evaluation. It includes vital signs assessment, physical examination, and a review of medical history. Screening for chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol is crucial. Discussions often focus on lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, stress management, and work-life balance.


Older Adults (50s and beyond)

For older adults, the annual physical exam becomes even more critical for early detection of age-related health issues. Regular monitoring of vital signs, physical examination, and medical history review continue. Special attention is given to chronic conditions, bone health, cognitive function, and age-specific screenings such as mammograms, prostate cancer screenings, and bone density scans. Discussions may include medication management, fall prevention, memory concerns, and end-of-life planning.

The Importance of Cancer Screening

Detecting cancer in its early stages significantly improves treatment outcomes and survival rates. Regular cancer screening plays a vital role in identifying potential malignancies before symptoms appear, allowing for timely intervention and improved prognosis. However, the specific age and population groups that need to undergo cancer screening can vary based on various factors.

Cancer Screening Recommendations:

Breast test Cancer:

  • Begin regular mammograms between ages 40 and 50 (depending on risk factors)

  • Women with family history or other risk factors may require earlier or more frequent screenings


Cervical Cancer:

  • Commence Pap smears at age 21, regardless of sexual activity

  • Regular screenings recommended until age 65 

  • HPV testing may be combined with Pap smears in certain age groups


Colorectal Cancer:

  • Rectal examination: A rectal examination may be conducted as part of the annual wellness check for individuals at higher risk of colorectal cancer or those experiencing specific symptoms. Recommended for adults starting at age 45 (or earlier for higher risk individuals)

  • Screening methods: colonoscopies, FOBT, stool DNA tests


Prostate Cancer:

  • Screening recommended for men starting at age 50 (or earlier for high-risk individuals)

  • Decision should be based on informed discussions with healthcare providers

  • Consider factors such as family history, race, and personal preferences

  • Lung Cancer:

  • Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) recommended for individuals aged 55 to 80

  • Significant smoking history and current/recent smoking within the past 15 years as eligibility criteria

The Female Physical Exam

The female physical exam is an essential part of preventive healthcare for women. It involves a thorough evaluation of various aspects of a woman's health, encompassing both physical and reproductive well-being. This examination aims to identify potential health risks, detect early signs of diseases, and provide guidance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Pelvic exam: This includes an external and internal examination of the reproductive organs, including the vagina, cervix, and uterus. It may involve a Pap smear to screen for cervical cancer.


Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Depending on individual risk factors and guidelines, STI screenings may be recommended.


Reproductive Health Discussions: Addressing menstrual health, contraception options, preconception counseling, and menopause-related concerns.


Mammograms and Breast Imaging: Depending on age and risk factors, mammograms or other breast imaging tests may be recommended.


Bone Density Test: In some cases, a bone density test may be recommended to evaluate bone health and screen for osteoporosis.


Your Good Health is Our Top Priority: Exceptional Health Care at Pulse and Poise Clinic

In conclusion, the Annual Physical Exam at Pulse and Poise Clinic is a cornerstone of comprehensive health care, aimed at promoting good health and well-being. By assessing various aspects of an individual's physical and mental health, including medical history, vital signs, and specific examinations, the clinic ensures a holistic approach to patient care. 


Take charge of your health today by scheduling your Annual Physical Exam at the Pulse and Poise Clinic. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is committed to providing comprehensive and personalized care to promote your well-being. Don't wait for symptoms to arise; be proactive and prioritize preventive care. Your health matters, and we are here to support you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life. Call us today to schedule your Annual Physical Exam at the Pulse and Poise Clinic and embark on a path of proactive health management. 

Frequently asked Questions

1 / How often should I schedule my medical examination?

  • The frequency of scheduling your medical examination may depend on various factors, including your age, medical history, and any specific health concerns. In general, it is recommended to have an annual medical examination once a year. This regular check-up allows healthcare providers to monitor your overall health, detect potential issues early on, and provide appropriate preventive care.

2 / Are annual medical exams covered by insurance?
  • The coverage of annual medical exams by insurance can vary depending on the specific insurance plan and the purpose of the examination. In many cases, insurance plans may provide coverage for preventive services, which can include annual health check up. These preventive services are often covered at no cost or with minimal out-of-pocket expenses, as they are designed to promote early detection and preventive care.

3 / How long does an annual medical examination typically take?
  • The duration of an annual medical examination can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of your medical history, the extent of the physical examination, and the specific components included in the exam. On average, a standard annual medical examination can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

4 / What is included in a annual physical?What is included in a annual physical?
  • Medical history review

  • Vital signs assessment (blood pressure, heart rate, etc.)

  • Physical examination (head, neck, chest, abdomen, extremities)

  • Blood tests and laboratory screenings

  • Cancer screenings (such as mammograms or colonoscopies)

  • Immunizations and vaccinations

  • Mental health assessment

  • Medication review and management

  • Reproductive health discussions and examinations (for specific populations)

  • Lifestyle counseling (diet, exercise, smoking cessation, etc.)

  • Referrals for further evaluation or specialty care if needed.

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